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Bond Measures

2016 Measure U Bond

General Information

In 2016, local voters passed a $24 million bond measure to renovate and modernize Kelseyville Unified schools. To date, we’ve spent almost $17 million with all projects remaining on time and on budget (with some under budget)!

Click here to view the bond master plan


Bond Oversight Committee

The Kelseyville Unified School District Board of Trustees established a Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee to review expenditures from construction activity associated with Measure U, The Bond Oversight Committee is responsible for ensuring that bond revenues are used properly and informing the public of bond expenditures.

Project Renderings

Upcoming Events

October 14

Minimum Day

All Day Event

October 15

Regular School Board Meeting

6:15 PM - 8:00 PM

October 21

Minimum Day

All Day Event

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