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Busing Information

Busing Information Updated 2/17/2021

Bus Routes


For bus routes and times, please scroll down to resources at the bottom of this page.

Note that the routes are different this year. With the different hybrid schedules at each school, the routes have been updated accordingly. Most of the bus stops are in the same location as they have been in the past, just different route numbers and different times. We are still processing the Bus Stop Assignment Forms but won’t be finished before school is scheduled to reopen on Dec. 1, so most of you won’t receive the automated email with your bus stop information before Dec. 1.

  • Route 10 = Riviera Elementary School. If your child attends Riviera Elementary School, they will be on Route 10. (Except HWY 175 / Loch Lomond).
  • Routes 1 - 4 = Kelseyville Elementary School, Mountain Vista Middle School & Kelseyville High. If your child attends one of these schools, they will use one of these routes.

If your child is part of the special education program and they are on a different schedule, you will receive a separate email with your bus stop information.

Please be patient with us as this schedule is new for us as well and may require some adjusting. I would recommend that all students be at the bus stop 10 min. early just to be safe. Also, as a reminder - if you haven’t turned in your Bus Stop Assignment Form, we will need that in order for your child to be able to ride the bus. We are very close to having our bus pass system up and going and we will need that form completed for your child to receive a bus pass.

Feel free to call or email the transportation office if you have any questions - (707) 279-1507 or

Z Pass

z pass

Every student that rides the bus is now required to have a bus pass. The bus pass is an RFID card that the students will scan when they get on and off the bus. This will provide us with the exact GPS location of the bus, exactly who is on the bus at any given time, and where and when they entered and exited. It will also provide us with complete ridership information including what is required to be able to back trace anyone exposed to COVID. The transportation department also receives a lot of calls from parents looking for their child because they didn’t arrive at their expected destination as planned. This system will be a great tool to help locate those missing students. The bus pass does not contain any personal information so there is no concern about privacy issues should the card get lost.

Please instruct your child to make sure they have this pass with them every time they ride the bus. For the younger children, we recommend attaching them to their backpack with the included retractable carabiner. The older students will receive a lanyard instead of the carabiner.

Field / Sports Trips
At this time, students are not required to have a bus pass to ride the bus on field trips or sports trips.

Special Education Transportation
For students that have IEPs which provide for transportation (i.e. students that normally ride the small, special education buses), no further action is required. We will still use the Zpass system to have the benefit of the ridership information, but the drivers will keep the bus passes and will scan them for the students as they get on or off the bus.

Zpass Policy for Students on General Education Transportation

  • A bus pass is required to ride the bus.
  • Students are responsible for their bus pass. Students should keep their bus pass in a safe location.
  • The first bus pass will be provided free of charge. If the pass is destroyed or lost, there will be a $5.00 fee to replace it. (For normal wear and tear, cards will be replaced at no charge.)
  • If the pass is lost or destroyed, the student will be allowed to continue riding the bus for up to 2 days while waiting for a replacement bus pass. After 2 days, riding privileges will be revoked until a new bus pass has been purchased. Students should contact their school office or the transportation department to get a replacement pass.
  • If your child forgets their pass, they will temporarily still be allowed to ride the bus. They need to notify the driver when boarding. The student will be issued a verbal warning at first. If it becomes a habitual problem it may result in suspension of bus riding privileges. The citation process will be followed.
  • Bus passes can NOT be shared between students.
  • Bus passes do not expire and are valid for the student’s entire time at Kelseyville Unified School.


Many of you have already completed the Bus Stop Assignment Form but if you haven’t completed a form for the 20/21 school year, the form can be picked up at any school site as well as completed online here:

General Information

The KVUSD transportation department is hard at work getting the buses ready for your kids to return to school and the bus drivers are excited about seeing your kids again. Because of the current COVID conditions, we will be implementing some changes to our normal transportation operations. We will be doing everything we can to keep students and staff as safe as possible. Here are some of the new safety protocols we will be implementing:

  • Unless specifically exempt per CDPH guidelines, all drivers and students will be required to wear a mask while on the school bus. Students are required to bring their own masks. Masks will be provided if they forget.
  • All buses will be disinfected (fogged) at least 2 times a day.
  • Handrails and other high-touch areas will be disinfected more often as needed.
  • If the numbers allow, the driver will space the students out as much as possible to allow for the most social distancing. It is important that students know that the driver may assign them to a seat and it might not be their preferred spot near their friends. This is not punishment, just a safety precaution.
    • We also want the parents to be aware that practicing physical distancing on school buses would require a significant reduction in seating capacity. The reduction in capacity would severely impact a majority of families that rely on the school buses to transport them to and from schools. If you choose to utilize the school bus for transportation of your kids to or from school, it is likely that they will be seated closer than 6ft to other students. If you are not comfortable with this, or any of the other safety protocols in place, it is recommended that you provide your own transportation to and from school.
  • Windows will be open as much as possible to provide extra air circulation. (Weather permitting.)
  • Any students that are showing signs of possible COVID infection will be isolated as best as possible and the school administrator/nurse will be notified upon arrival at school.
  • Temperatures will be taken of every student upon arrival at school before going to class.

Hand Sanitizer will not be provided on the buses as it is considered a flammable liquid and prohibited by CHP. Students and drivers are allowed to carry a small, personal-size container for themselves.

It is extremely important that parents and students do a self-evaluation every morning before riding on the school bus. The health and safety of other students and staff depend on it.


  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Feel free to contact the transportation department if you have any questions at 279-1507.

Dave Ferrell
Director of Transportation


Upcoming Events

February 10

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

February 12

DELAC Meeting @ KHS Library

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

February 17

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