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Our School

Our School

Riviera Elementary School, located approximately 125 miles north of the San Francisco Bay Area, in Lake County, is one of six schools in the Kelseyville Unified School District. Our school serves students in grades TK through 5.

The Riviera Elementary School is an AVID Elementary school that is dedicated to providing an academically stimulating and safe environment in which students can excel and reach their full potential. As a PBIS school, our students are taught our positive behavioral school-wide expectations which include 1)  Be Safe 2)  Be Respectful 3) Be Responsible. Parents actively participate on our campus in a variety of capacities, including volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning field trips, and getting involved in our PTO events and activities.

Our mascot is the Dragon. Our motto is "Soaring to Success".


  • Improve student achievement as measured by performance on local, district, and national assessments
  • Maintain student attendance at 96% or above
  • Engage families in the school community.
  • Students will become productive, healthy, and contributing members of their community


Riviera Elementary School will foster students to become independent high-level thinkers in a supportive, scholarly climate to grow, learn, and become contributing members of the community with the tools to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life.

Our Collective Commitments

In a collaborative partnership with my colleagues, I agree to fully commit to working towards these outcomes:

  • We will teach the essential units of learning within the curriculum
  • We will be positive, contributing members of our collaborative team
  • We will improve attendance and increase student’s positive feelings about the school environment.
  • We will develop and provide events and activities to include families, community, staff, students to enrich student educational experiences
  • We will seek out the best teaching practices to support student learning
  • We will keep families informed of the progress of their children
  • We will monitor student learning on an ongoing basis through classroom and team-based formative assessments
  • We will monitor each student’s learning and promote student self-monitoring to allow students to take responsibility for their learning


We envision a school in which:

  • All staff, families, students, and community will work together interdependently in a collaborative team
  • Our school is characterized by a collaborative culture in which educators take responsibility for helping all students learn at high levels
  • All faculty and staff will serve the needs of each student
  • Promote a culture of empathetic, respectful, responsible, and confident students
  • Demonstrate a personal commitment to advancement via individual determination (AVID)

Upcoming Events

November 6

DELAC Meeting

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

November 8
November 11

No School - Veterans Day

All Day Event

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